Most people don’t understand how the internet works, but still use the technology daily. Blockchain is referred to as the Internet 3.0. In the next few decades, blockchain will revolutionize all of finance and enterprise; governments, institutions, and companies are getting involved in the crypto business. My Crypto Advisor will simplify complex concepts and walk you through the basics you need to invest.

The majority of hackings happen on third party exchanges who hold custody of your coins, similar to a brokerage. My Crypto Advisor will teach you good safety practices – whether it’s helping you to setup on regulated exchanges with FDIC Insurance for Cash Reserves and crypto insurance, or training you on how to “be your own bank” and control your own funds through software and hardware wallets. We will teach you the difference between wallets, exchanges, and levels of security.

An economics Professor at Yale University published a research paper in 2018 suggesting that regardless of opinion, Bitcoin should comprise a minimum of 1% of your portfolio for diversification purposes. As with any nascent industry, there is a degree of volatility due to small market capitalization. My Crypto Advisor recommends not investing anything you don’t want to lose. If cryptocurrency is not your forte, then let us assist you with buying Stablecoins – digital assets tied to the value of fiat currencies.

My Crypto Advisor will explain the differences and fundamentals between coins, as well as which companies and institutions have blockchain projects. Let us help educate you on the different cryptocurrencies before the next wave of institutional money flows into the market.

Blockchain is a distributed ledger which stores and records transactions between two parties on a peer-to-peer network.  Blockchain technology is much more than finance and touches every industry from healthcare, real estate, the supply chain, and digital identification management!

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system which allows people to send and receive money across the world without a third party intermediary such as a bank or government.  Bitcoin is only one application of blockchain technology, similar to how email is one application of the internet.

A company called Chainalysis released a study in 2020 reporting under 1% of all cryptocurrency usage took place on the Dark Web.  Although private cryptocurrencies exist, the majority are public.  Anyone with a computer and internet connection can view transactions on the blockchain in real time.

My Crypto Advisor is not a licensed financial advisor or brokerage.  We offer individual and group consultations to teach people how to invest in the cryptocurrency space.  You are the sole owner of your funds – let My Crypto Advisor teach you how to “become your own bank”.

My Crypto Advisor offers a free 15 Minute Discovery Session over the phone or video conference to identify the services you require, determine if our consulting services fit your needs, and strategize for a second session.

Due to the borderless nature of blockchain technology, My Crypto Advisor offers its services globally!  Through virtual conferencing and screen sharing My Crypto Advisor can provide walkthroughs and demonstrations to any location in the world.  If you’re located in the Western New York region, then you can schedule an in person consultation!


Let My Crypto Advisor answer any of your questions or concerns.


My Crypto Advisor is not a licensed financial advisor. The investment information presented to our clients is an opinion and is not purported to be fact. Cryptocurrencies are volatile and can move quickly in any direction. My Crypto Advisor is not responsible for any trading loss incurred by following our advice.

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My Crypto Advisor will take all the worry and guesswork out of your blockchain and cryptocurrency concerns. Let us help you invest today!